Quasar Cordova sign APK for production
Hello friends, In this article i am going to show you cordova sign APK for production. If you followed my previous video of commonly sign a quasar cordova APK file, you might see it will create two different keystore files as jks extension for both debug and release. So when we run the quasar cordova project using yarn cordova:dev it will automatically takes the debug keystore from your folder and it will sign the app for the debug purpose. If you havent read that article, go to following link and read it because those keystore files need in order to sign the APK for production.
So after creating those keystore files. Now we have to build the quasar cordova project in order to make as a APK file in order to run in production mode. So in order to build a quasar cordova project go to the root folder of the project (Not the src-cordova, the main quasar project folder) and open the folder via CMD (type cmd on navigation panel and press enter).
So now you have to type the following command and press enter to build the cordova project.
quasar build -m android
The above command will build your cordova project. And you will see your created APK file in dist folder under cordova. And might have some sub folders depends on your configuration. You might find your unsigned APK file.
Now you have to sign the unsigned APK file. So in order to do that you as an easy way copy your release keystore file (ex:- quasar-release-key.jks) file to same directory where your unsigned APK file located. And open that folder via CMD. Now type following command to sign your APK.
jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore my-release-key.keystore <path-to-unsigned-apk-file> alias_name
Note – Replace my-release-key.keystore with your release keystore file name and for path-to-unsigned-apk-file to just your APK file name cause it is in same folder and replace alias_name with the given alias name when creating the keystore files.
Extra Note
I you want more about quasar cordova, Go to following link
Thats it! it will sign your APK. the name might sometimes stay as unsigned. But if above steps succeed, your APK will be a signed APK. If you have any question please comment below. If you want to see latest articles go to following link