Getting start with quasar framework for beginners
Generally, Quasar framework is based on Vue js and Quasar is one of popular framework around the world. Quasar has many advantages than other frameworks. This tutorial will boost beginners in Quasar framework. We can develop using Quasar with one code base and for multiple platforms as following,
- Single page applications (SPA),
- Server side render application (SSR)
- Progressive web application (PWA
- Mobile application
- Desktop application
And also quasar supports many extensions, latest plugins and provides pre defined codes to make development easy. We no need to afraid to get into the Quasar framework. Its pretty much easy and need to follow simple steps to create a new project
Step 1
Install Quasar CLI
You have to install node js in order to install Quasar CLI. Quasar CLI is a easiest method to create Quasar project easily.
$ yarn global add @quasar/cli
or if you using npm
$ npm install -g @quasar/cli
Step 2
Navigate to place where you need to create project and open CMD (on url link box of the particular folder type cmd and press enter) in that project and run following code
$ quasar create myapp
Step 3
While it is creating it will ask some questions such as project information and some options to tick. Provide and add those to your project as your wish. Now go to your project folder (ex: – cd myapp in CMD) and run following command to run the project
quasar dev
The project will run in Single page application (SPA) mode. You can change the mode with simple codes.
ex: - quasar dev -m pwa
Above command will turn your project into Progressive web application (PWA) mode.
Thats it!! for more information about getting start with Quasar please go to
Thanks!! This article is quasar framework tutorial for beginners. If you have any question please comment below. And if you want to view latest articles, go to below link Have a nice day!!!